I am the Associate Dean for Graduate Research Education at the School of Medicine at the University of Missouri where I am also a tenured Professor in Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics and Medical Epidemiology and the Director for the Translational Biosciences PhD program. Before being recruited to the US, I was a full tenured professor at McGill University holding the position of Associate Chair (Research) and Graduate Program Director in Family Medicine for over 10 years. In 2019, I became a Fellow for the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology. In 2022, I was awarded the Distinguished Research Mentor Award by the North American Primary Care Research Group. For the last three years, I was the Chair of the Working Party for the Patient-Reported Indicator Surveys Project with the OECD involving 22 countries for this inaugural project in primary care (https://www.oecd.org/health/paris/).
I specializes in implementation science for translation of evidence into clinical practice. My current concentration is on convergence science and stakeholder engagement around health care utilization and outcomes for vulnerable populations; implementation of precision medicine using patient-oriented strategies; and the use of education innovations to advance the discipline of translational biomedicine. I was recently awarded, as Principle Investigator for Missouri, funding from the NIH All of Us program for the All of Us Heartland Consortium.